
The Potash Complex Laboratory comprises a collection of specialist forces and equipment important for the qualitative and quantitative investigation of materials aimed at providing research and analysis services to other internal and process areas, including factories, research and development, playa, exploration, pools, mining. .. and other water extraction projects in the country.

  • Qualitative improvement and enhancement of laboratory services in analytical and research areas.
  • Providing the necessary background for conducting fundamental and applied research.
  • Comprehensive information on analytical methods and types of laboratory equipment.
  • Comprehensive information on the behavior and extraction of salts and brine.
  • Provide the results of experiments in the shortest time with the highest accuracy.
  • ISO 9001 Quality Assurance and …
  • Support for obtaining ISO / IEC17025 accreditation.
  • Support the creation and operation of specialized workgroups to build knowledge flow and enhance the expertise of experts.
  • Conduct research in different sectors of the country in related industries.
  • Conduct research action appropriate to the complex and market need for product development and market penetration
  • Collaborating in research projects of R&D center.
  • Controlling and enforcing the standards and standards set out in the analytical methods as well as the procedures developed in other parts of the process
  • Calibration of laboratory equipment to increase the accuracy of the test and ensure the accuracy of the test results
  • Developing SOPs and laboratory guidelines.
  • Provide statistical information on laboratory and factory performance and other process-related components to demonstrate the unit’s ability to control and monitor process quality.
  • Factory process control, which includes control of all stages of product extraction, including feeding, messing, Asian, flotation, decomposition, leaching and drilling.
  • Product packaging and sales controls include granular control, packaging and product warehousing and loading.
  • Plant feed control and feed control include the control of saltwater behavior in evaporative, drainage and drainage pools, feed collection, loading and transportation.
  • The process control of the pools includes the control of the saltwater circulation in the evaporative pools and the behavior of the saltwater and salt extraction, plant feed (carnalite) and soil stabilization solution, tachyhydrate, biophysite, etc.
  • Process control of sales and sale of products such as SSR400-DC400 and …
  • Control the process of extracting, packing and selling miscellaneous products and loading it.