Sodium Chloride

How to buy

What is potassium chloride?

Potassium chloride is a salt that is made up of potassium and chlorine. Potassium chloride is the most important potassium salt that consumes more potassium salts.

Uses and Applications of Potassium Chloride:

As fertilizer in agricultural industry.

Production of potassium hydroxide and potassium metal.

Replacing sodium chloride in domestic water softener units.

Oil and gas drilling operations and Drilling mud production.

Soap manufacturing and detergent industries.

Production of chemical paints.

Glass and ceramics industry.

Defrosting from the level of streets and roads.

Need quantity and production of potassium chloride in the country

According to available statistics, over 250 thousand tons of potassium chloride are consumed annually in the country, which by 1394 was allotted through imports. But by the efforts of the industry and mining industry, with the launch of the Potash Khorobobankan plant, with a production capacity of 50,000 tons per annum, since August 2009, part of the country’s need for a strategic potash plant is being produced.

Potassium chloride production in the potato complex of Khorobybankan and 95.5% in the domestic and foreign market

Primary salvo in the Khobobabinak play farm mine is drained and collected through canal digging and sent to the evaporation pools through the pumping station. In the first step, the salts in the brine feed into the pools are due to the evaporation of the sun, and then the carnalite, which is considered to be the feed of the potash processing plant, is extracted. The carnalite produced in pools is transformed into potassium chloride product in five main stages (mowing, flottation, decomposition, leaching, drying) at the potash plant. Potassium chloride is produced in this plant with a purity of more than 95.5% and in accordance with world standards. Marketing and sales of this product have been successful despite significant imports, due to the favorable purity, in addition to the domestic market, there is also a buyer from abroad.

Potassium chloride production at 99% in the Potash Khorobybankan complex

In order to diversify the production of products and feasibility of production of oral and medicinal potash from the country, experts from the Kutuz Khurobabinak Complex managed to produce potash with a purity higher than 4.99%.

Use and application of high potassium chloride (> 99.4%)

Food industry and food production

pharmaceutical Industries