Collecting and transporting brines

The main station is approximately 2 km from the plant and consists of 2 centrifugal pumps. The task of this station is to transport the brine transferred from station M1 to the cement pond behind the main station nest by means of two pipelines to the basin of relaxation located 2 km away and eventually to the evaporative ponds of the plant. Slow

s approximately 2 meters from the main station. The station is located at the final part of the Playa Mines Canal and has the task of transporting brine to the cement basin of the main station. Directs Playa to station M1.

Another lifting station is the M3 station, which has the task of transporting the phase 1/2 bridges to the M1 station. The length of the phase 1 channel is 2 meters.

M4 station was built after M2 and before M6 station, 2 meters from M2 station, which used to carry and transport brines to M2 station, but now with the construction of cascades and canal opening, This station has become a tourist and tourist destination.

Station M6 The last lifting station, which is the farthest route from Station M1, and is responsible for the transfer of brines from Phase 1 and 2 to M2.
